What are the refractory materials for tundish?

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With the continuous development of industrial technology, refractory materials are more and more widely used in metallurgy, ceramics, glass and other industries. The definition and function of the intermediate package refractory material refers to the high refractory material used to construct the intermediate package structure in the steel smelting process. Its main function is to withstand high temperature, prevent slag erosion, and maintain good corrosion resistance to ensure the smooth progress of the steel production process.

types and characteristics

1. Refractory bricks: Refractory bricks are the main components of tundish refractories, with high refractoriness, good thermal stability and mechanical strength. Common refractory brick materials include siliceous bricks, clay bricks and high alumina bricks.

2. Refractory fiber: Refractory fiber is a lightweight refractory material with good heat insulation performance, fire resistance and chemical stability. In tundishes, refractory fibers are mainly used for insulation and heat insulation of the lining.

3. Refractory castable: refractory castable is a kind of refractory material that can be cast and molded, which has good construction performance, high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance. In tundish, refractory castables are mainly used to fill gaps and repair worn parts.

4. Refractory plastic: Refractory plastic is a good plastic refractory material, with good plasticity, toughness and high temperature resistance. In tundish, refractory plastic is mainly used to make moldable lining to improve the service life of the tundish.

5. Other auxiliary materials: In addition to the above-mentioned main materials, tundish refractory materials also include various auxiliary materials, such as refractory mud, refractory sand, and thermal insulation bricks. These auxiliary materials are mainly used for masonry, fixing and insulation of tundish.

Selection principle

1. High refractoriness: The tundish refractory material must be able to withstand high temperature environment to ensure that it does not soften or deform during use.

2. Good corrosion resistance: The tundish refractory material should have good corrosion resistance to resist various corrosive substances produced in the steel smelting process.

3. Good construction performance: the construction performance of tundish refractory is better, which is convenient for construction and maintenance.

4. Economic benefits: Under the premise of meeting the requirements of use, tundish refractory materials with lower cost and better economic benefits should be selected as far as possible.