What is the composition of refractory castable and how to do without solidification during construction?

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The refractory castable is mainly composed of the following parts:

1. Aggregate: The aggregate of refractory castable is usually silica, aluminum or magnesium materials, such as quartz sand, silica wire powder, etc. These aggregates have high fire resistance and good thermal stability, and can effectively withstand structural loads at high temperatures.

2. Binding agent: In order to increase the cohesion of the refractory castable, it is usually necessary to add a certain amount of binding agent. Common binders are cement, sodium silicate, etc. They can be closely combined with aggregates and other additives to form castables with better fire resistance.

3. Additives: In order to improve the performance of refractory castables, some additives will be added, such as plasticizers, retarders, etc. These additives can improve the fluidity and impermeability of castables, making them more suitable for different construction environments.

The construction of refractory castable mainly includes the following steps:

1. Pretreatment: Before construction, the construction surface should be cleaned and treated to ensure that the surface is free of oil and debris.

2. Ingredients: According to a certain proportion of the aggregate, binder, additives, etc. are mixed together and stirred evenly.

3. Pouring: pour the stirred refractory castable into the construction area for pouring.

4. Vibrating: Vibrating after pouring to eliminate air bubbles in the castable and make it more dense.

5. maintenance: after the completion of the pouring, the need for a certain period of maintenance, to ensure that the refractory castable fully solidified.